
Unable to get the private bytes memory limit for the w3wp process

I can run ASP.NET applications on the server, however I have noticed that when I do there is an asp error entry in the event log: "Unable to get the private bytes memory limit for the W3WP process. The ASP.NET cache will be unable to limit its memory use, which may lead to a process restart. Error 0x80070005".


– Windows Server 2003
– .NET Framework 1.1


This error is caused by a known issue with insufficient permissions in your IIS metabase. The metabase ACL’s on the target server did not include the IIS_WPG group on the following two nodes of the metabase (IIS_WPG is in both ACL’s on a clean install):
– W3SVC/AppPools
– W3SVC/Filters

You can download the MetaACL utility from http://support.microsoft.com/?id=267904. After you have installed the program, open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where you installed it. Then type the following:

– cscript metaacl.vbs IIS://Localhost/W3SVC/AppPools IIS_WPG RE
– cscript metaacl.vbs IIS://Localhost/W3SVC/Filters IIS_WPG RE

The path is case sensitive – type exactly as above; after you run this command restart the IIS services and see if this corrects the problem.


Update: here is an update on this matter: http://blogs.msdn.com/carloc/archive/2009/01/27/unable-to-get-the-private-bytes-memory-limit-for-the-w3wp-process-reloaded.aspx



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