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    CSSVista and IE Developer Toolbar to easily customize how your site/blog looks

    While working to customize a bit my blog (and you can easily see I’m not a graphic designer! 🤔) I struggled trying to understand and sort out the tangle of CSS styles I can override to change how these pages look (at this is still “work in progress”). Luckily in our internal blogger discussion list someone (don’t remember exactly who, sorry…) suggested to use CSSVista, a cool tool which allows you to edit your CSS styles and have a “live” preview of what the results are. If you use this in combination with the IE Developer Toolbar, which allows you to easily inspect the DOM in your page and find which CSS style is applied to every element (among many other things you can discover with the toolbar) and with some experience with CSS editing, it should not be that hard to restyle your page. The only problem left is how it will look like at the end… 🤞😏 (I definitely need some graphic advices…) Cheers

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    Code Access Security hosting control in IE

    PROBLEM You have a Windows Forms component hosted in Internet Explorer, and you want to catch events raised by this control from client side scripting; to avoid security errors at runtime, the control must have “Allow calls to unmanaged assemblies” permission. if you do this, you’ll notice that this works only if you  give this permission to the whole Zone or Site, but does not work if you give it just to the Assembly or the URL. REASON The reasoning behind the security exception is AppDomains. Before IE can load your assembly, it must create an AppDomain to load the assembly into. When it creates this AppDomain, it assigns all the evidence it knows without loading your assembly, the Site and Zone that it is loading from. Since the AppDomain itself does not get any evidence about the signature that your assembly has (it can’t since the assembly is not loaded yet), it will not match the code group that you created giving extra trust. Now when a security demand occurs, a stack walk begins. When your assembly is checked for correct permissions, it passes, and the stack walk continues until it gets to the AppDomain. Since the AppDomain doesn’t…