Recently I started to convert all my script and modules to run on Powershell Core and I soon realized I have a problem. When it comes to Azure resources, I work with a combination of both ARM and RDFE and all is good in Powershell Desktop on Windows: just load (or let Powershell load for me) both the Azure module and the combination of Az.<RPName> components I need. I have now changed to Powershell Core as my default on Windows (on macOS/Linux I don’t really have a choice ) but I encountered compatibility and runtime errors with the Azure and Azure.Storage modules, even if I import Windows Compatibility first. Typically Powershell Core complains about duplicate assemblies already loaded but I also got weird runtime errors trying to run basic cmdlets. Since I want to move to Powershell Core anyway I decided to not try to figure out how to solve the problem but rather move to ARM completely, writing my own cmdlets and functions not otherwise available. Luckily the Resource Providers I am interested in (Cloud Services for example) expose APIs and actions for Classic (RDFE) resources, so to get started I just need to find the right one .…